Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Two Months Old

Miss Audrey is getting so big these days! She was two months old on Monday, May 5. She is all smiles these days and I finally caught her sweet smile on camera. We are "talking" more, lots of goos and oohs. She is such a happy and content baby. She has her well baby visit on Wednesday so we'll find out how much she's grown. She also has to get all her shots... Mom is dreading that!

Mommy tickles me to make me smile...

But most of the time, I smile on my own!

"Sitting" up on my own... Ok, maybe I'm propped up.


Anonymous said...

She is so cute, I can't wait to meet her in person. I'm so glad that you can come to our house, don't worry about a thing, we just want to see you all.

Paul said...

Buy some Baby Tylenol BEFORE your doctor visit. You'll probably need it. Although Nat didn't run a fever til her 4 month shots! We have to get her first measles shot at 6 months (2 wks) because there is a measles outbreak here!

Carey said...

I love the pics of her smiling! too cute! I'm enjoying reading the updates, so keep them coming. See you in a few weeks at Kaete's dinner club.

Krissy said...

That smile is so cute! By the time I get to meet her, she'll be crawling and doing all kinds of cute stuff!