Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Some New Tricks

So Audrey has finally started walking. Yea! The first video is of her walking. I couldn't figure out how to rotate the image so it's sideways... Sorry!

Audrey has also shown a preference for dancing and music. My mom gave her this egg from Hallmark for Easter that plays "Disco Duck". This next video is of her dancing to "Disco Duck". Watch out Star Search!

Happy Easter!

We had a nice Easter celebrating our savior Jesus Christ. BeBe and Mack came to visit us. Audrey was very cute in her fancy dress and was a pretty good brunch companion. She also enjoyed digging into her Easter basket. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Look at what the Easter Bunny brought me!

I don't know what to look at first?
Mommy, Daddy, and Audrey

BeBe, Audrey, and Mommy