Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween 2009

We dressed Audrey as an angel for Halloween. We did a minimal amount of trick or treating on our cul-de-sac. She was so amazed that people were actually giving her candy. We've had to hide the bucket of candy or else we'd be on a permanent sugar high!

Our Angel is ready to Go!

Good and Evil

Got Flashlight?
Check out my Loot!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall 2009 Catch Up

I have been a bad bloggin' mama lately! Between work and all the fun fall activities, I haven't had a chance to update the blog. So this will be a free-for-all of our latest activites. First, we joyfully ushered in the start of college football by putting Audrey in her PSU cheerleader outfit.

Then, we visited our friends the Robertson Family in Beaumont in October. It was fun to catch up and visit a local pumpkin patch with them.

Audrey, Wes, and Charlie

Jenn and Mike having a "bump" contest

Audrey and the Big Pumpkin

And most recently, we visited the Houston Zoo Boo event. It was a gorgeous fall day in Houston where we enjoyed seeing the unusually active animals (it was finally cool enough).

At the Pumpkin Patch

With our Pumpkin and of course, goldfish

Daddy and Audrey with the Cheetahs

Mommy and Audrey at the Sea Lions

Always on the Go!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Audrey recently started taking a Kindermusik class at the local recreation center. According to our nanny, she is very dramatic with the scarves they use with some songs. Here are some pictures from their first session.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Latest Happenings

We've been busy enjoying the summer weather in Houston. Audrey has been enjoying trips to the Children's Museum and the pool. Here are a couple of recent pictures.

Taking a thumb-sucking break at the Tot Spot
Chalk drawing on the Driveway

Playing in the Backyard

Now you understand why we strip Audrey
down to her diaper on Spaghetti Night!

Swimming on Memorial Day Weekend

Dressed and ready for the Pool

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Some New Tricks

So Audrey has finally started walking. Yea! The first video is of her walking. I couldn't figure out how to rotate the image so it's sideways... Sorry!

Audrey has also shown a preference for dancing and music. My mom gave her this egg from Hallmark for Easter that plays "Disco Duck". This next video is of her dancing to "Disco Duck". Watch out Star Search!

Happy Easter!

We had a nice Easter celebrating our savior Jesus Christ. BeBe and Mack came to visit us. Audrey was very cute in her fancy dress and was a pretty good brunch companion. She also enjoyed digging into her Easter basket. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Look at what the Easter Bunny brought me!

I don't know what to look at first?
Mommy, Daddy, and Audrey

BeBe, Audrey, and Mommy

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Goin' to the Rodeo

This weekend Grandma and Grandpa Hinton came to visit. Although it has been a wet and soggy weekend, we still went to the Rodeo to introduce them to "true Texas" entertainment. Audrey and her grandparents enjoyed the petting zoo. That is until a goat started to eat Grandma's sweater!

Petting a Goat

Petting the Llama with Mommy and Grandma

Getting sniffed by a Goat

Mommy and Audrey

Daddy and Audrey... Getting a little tuckered out!

Happy Birthday to Me!

Audrey had her first birthday party last weekend. We invited a few friends and family over to enjoy hot dogs, snacks, and of course cake and ice cream. It's hard to believe our little girl is now a toddler and not a baby. She continues to bring so much joy to our lives. We hope you enjoy the pictures of her big day.

The Birthday Girl

The Colorful Spread of Food

The Birthday Cake

Audrey with her Special Cake

The Destruction of the Cake

Messy Face
Opening Presents
(Note the change in clothes, cake is messy!)

Playing in my new Sandbox

Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm 11-months Old!

Audrey is getting bigger and more interactive everyday. I can't believe we're planning her 1st Birthday Party already. This last weekend we went to the Houston Zoo. Audrey enjoyed the nice weather and seemed to notice some of the animals.
Chillaxin' in the Stroller at the Zoo

Playing with Mommy's camera case

Look at how tall I am!

January Update

Here's some pictures from January. As you can see, Audrey is enjoying her toys from Christmas and her ability to stand up more steady. And of course the one day I allow Daddy to dress her, she ends up in Redskins clothes!
I'm 10-months old!

Look, only one hand!

Playing with my kitchen/living room toy

"Reading" a book

I don't know, she doesn't look amused
to be dressed as a Redskin....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Christmas 2008

I know... it's almost February and I'm just now posting Christmas pictures. We spent Christmas in Dallas with BeBe, Mr. Mack, Noni, Grandaddy, Aunt Emily and Uncle Stuart. I think Audrey enjoyed ripping up magazines more than her Christmas presents.
Audrey reading with Grandaddy

Audrey playing with her big present from BeBe

The Family Photo

BeBe and Audrey playing with her toy

Audrey, Pops, and Nonah